Mission Statement

"The purpose of this society is to foster the appreciation and preservation of the culture of Italy in America and to celebrate the contributions of her sons and daughters, the Italian Americans, to the history and development of the State of Rhode Island."

Established in 1979 by Virgilio DeVecchis and Ray Gallo

The IAHS of RI plans and offers artistic, cultural, historical, literary and musical events which fulfill its mission, such as:

Programs include art historian directed lectures and guided tours to view the works of master artists: Botticelli, Caravaggio, DaVinci, Della Robbio, Michelangelo, Titian, etc.

Programs showcased musicians Michael DiMucci, Kenny Marocco, Cory Pesaturo, Ron Giorgio, Christiana Caprarelli and Opera Providence’s vocal artists performing music ranging from the arias of Puccini and Verdi to the beautiful Neapolitan favorites.

Programs promoted trips to Ellis Island, the NY Tenement Museum, Arthur Avenue, the North End, the Pompeii exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science, etc.

Programs highlighted Italian American authors:  Adriana Trigiani, Edward Iannuccilli, MD., Peter Pezzelli, Anne T. Romano, Ph.D., Bernadette Conte, Edward Carosi, Lou Del Bianco, Vincent Panella, and Victor Pricolo, MD.  Italian-American film-maker, Aly Migliori, and a lecture on the “History of Italian Cinema” and “A Grand Tour of Italy” by Professor Joseph Luzzi have also been featured.


The IAHS of RI awards four scholarships annually to students who meet all of the eligibility criteria.
The IAHS of RI organization’s genealogists developed resources to assist in researching Italian ancestry.

The IAHS of RI published Voices of Rhode Island’s Italian-Americans, a record of unique recollections of early Italian Americans living in Rhode Island.  It memorializes their courage, determination and devotion to family.


Executive Board of IAHS of RI


Co Presidents
Patricia Fedeli
Charlene Marston-Palleschi
Sandra Nolette

Vice President
Diane Santurri

Carolyn DeSpirito

Past President
Peter Mansella

Board Members

Joseph Andreozzi
Donna Cullinane
Verna Gabellieri
Marjorie Gallo
Maria Perrotta
Camille Spicola